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Family Constellations / Systemic Constellations / Structure Constellations


Book Training Constellation


Constellations is a very powerful and effective tool of Systemic Therapy. In this training you learn how to do constellations, how to ask the most effective questions to get useful answers. To get problems solved.


In the workshop there is a lot of space for practical exercises where we talk about the single steps in detail.

First we practise classical family constellations. This means that for a problem that seems to be caused by the family system we place the representatives of the family members in space and try to solve the problem within the system.

Then we are going to work more free-style which is called systematic constellation. Here we can find out the structure and the solution of any kind of problem. The structure can be different people, emotions, illnesses, things or circumstances etc.

We work with people as representatives but also alternatively with papers and other things so that the method can be done as a group but also individually by one or two persons.

The process of solving the problem is individual, therefore in my opinion it is very important to perceive the situation and everything connected to it as open, sensitive and precise as possible. And then to find on the foundation of experience a solution that is in the interest of everybody involved.

I recommend most of the people to attend three to four modules, you can book them individually. If you are very autonomous it can be enough to visit one or two modules.

Usually the seminar is held in german. If there are enough english speakers it is held in english. If you are a group of 4 or more people please ask for your own english constellation training!



Fr 17:00 – 21:00h
Sa 10:00 – 18:00h
Su 10:00 – 18:00h




430* / 460 Euro (per modul)

*if you register until one month before there is Cost reduction

Book Training Constellation



attendance of the workshop needs registration




For groups of 4 and more there is the possibility for an english training. Feel free to ask!



Praxis Andrea Hofmann
Heidelbergerstr. 37a
12059 Berlin
(Neukölln / Treptow)
030 – 28 45 98 57
0176 – 234 02 987


The seminar is not taking place when there are not enough participants. If you already transferred some money you get immediate refund.


Andrea Hofmann

Heilpraktikerin Psychotherapy

Consultancy / Coaching / Psychotherapy


Berlin Neukölln / Treptow (Kreuzkölln), near Kreuzberg and Friedrichshain


Book Training Constellation

Andrea Hofmann works with methods like EMDR, Family Constellations / Systemic Constellations, Inner Child, Open Perception, Perception Consciousness & Intuition, In The Skin of the Otheruand more. She Provides advice to balanced diet (f.e. alkaline diet, low-carb diet), Alkaline Bathing and publishesin various media.[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row][vc_column][/vc_column][/vc_row]